What Eye Conditions Can Medical Marijuana Assist With?

Medical marijuanaMedical marijuana has been growing in popularity for treating a variety of physical and mental health concerns. Part of what makes it so beneficial for treatment is its versatility. Medical marijuana can be used to alleviate a range of symptoms, including anxiety, pain and discomfort, difficulty eating, and more.

Medical marijuana is legal in Hawaii with a State 329 Medical Marijuana license card. Any patient interested in using medical marijuana must have a 329 medical card. Thankfully, Jeffrey Maehara, MD, can perform consultations and complete applications for a medical marijuana card in Honolulu, HI.

If you’re interested in utilizing medical marijuana for an eye condition, keep reading to learn more about the qualifying conditions and how to apply for a license.

What Eye Conditions Can Medical Marijuana Assist in Treating?

Medical marijuana can be used to treat eye conditions that cause intraocular pressure (IOP), such as glaucoma, by reducing pressure and increasing comfort.

A medical marijuana license may also be granted to patients with cancer, lupus, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and mental health conditions such as PTSD and anxiety.

Medical marijuana is frequently used for these conditions to assist with nausea, pain, and appetite. However, it can also be useful for those who have debilitating medical conditions such as seizures and muscle spasms.

How to Register for a State 329 Medical Marijuana License

If you are interested in the State 329 Medical Marijuana license, the first step is to check to see if your condition or symptoms are on the list of qualifying medical conditions. Then, you can fill out and turn in your application. This may involve supplying medical records, doctor’s notes, and other documentation. Once the application has been submitted, Dr. Maehara will schedule a consultation with you. During this time, he’ll discuss your condition with you and determine if medical marijuana would be beneficial. If so, he can complete your application and submit it to the State for final approval. Your card should arrive in the mail shortly after.

Apply for a Medical Marijuana License Today

Learn more about the benefits of medical marijuana as well as how to apply for a license by contacting Jeffrey Maehard in Honolulu, HI. Call our office today at 808-955-3937 or request a consultation online.

Cataract surgery

Cataract Surgery: How It Can Benefit You

Cataracts can have a profound effect on your eyesight and negatively impact your ability to see clearly. Living with cataracts can blur your vision and take out the enjoyment in life. With today’s technologies and treatments, however, you are able to protect your eyesight and improve your vision.

At Maehara Eye Surgery & Laser, our professional team of doctors have expertise in numerous different types of eye surgeries, with one of them being cataract surgery. During this surgery, we remove the clouded lens and replace it with a clear artificial lens called an intraocular lens (IOL). We want to restore your vision and bring back the joy in your life!

How Do Cataracts Affect My Vision?

In an eye where cataracts are not present, light enters and travels through the lens. This lens then focuses the light into a sharp and detailed image on the retina, which then relays the message and picture through the optic nerve to the brain. 

In an eye where cataracts are present, the lens will be cloudy, covered with a thin and painless film. This cataract will then block light, which distorts the image being sent to your brain. Cataracts can affect your vision with blurriness, sensitivity to glare, and cause second sight. If not treated, cataracts can also eventually lead to blindness.

When Do I Know Cataract Surgery Is Right For Me?

Cataracts can affect different people at different speeds, so it’s important to keep note of the side effects and symptoms. When your eyesight begins to deteriorate and it is difficult to see things that you once viewed with ease on a day to day basis, then it is a good time for cataract surgery. 

Nobody enjoys having blurred vision and difficulty seeing, as this can make simple day to day tasks such as driving and grocery shopping difficult. Reclaim your freedom by removing your cataracts. 

We’ve Got You Covered

At Maehara Eye Surgery & Laser, we offer affordable and reliable eye care, as well as surgical procedures handled by only the best surgeons. Eye Doctor Jeffery Maehara has studied under some of the world’s top LASIK and refractive surgeons. 

With extensive experience in numerous eye surgery procedures, including cataract surgery, Dr. Maehara brings the experience and knowledge you are looking for. Call us today at 808-955-3937, or visit www.maeharaeyes.com to schedule an appointment

middle aged woman wearing sunglasses and straw hat while standing at balcony

Simple ways to show your eyes some love

We couldn’t let Valentine’s Day pass us by without giving you tips on how to show your eyes some love. Here are five simple ways to keep your eyes healthy:

  1. Eat your fruits and vegetables. It’s important to eat a diet that’s rich in a variety of nutrient-packed fruits and vegetables for great overall health, but it’s especially important to eye health. Nutrients such as zinc, lutein and vitamins C and E can help prevent or slow down age-related vision problems such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential to eye health and can be found in salmon, tuna and other oily fish.
  2. You gotta wear shades. Sunglasses, ideally with 100 percent protection from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet A and B rays, are your eyes best defense in the sun. Also consider wearing a hat, which will take some of the sunlight off your eyes. It’s also important to wear safety eye goggles when working with any potentially dangerous substances that could harm your eyes and prevent eye injury.
  3. Stop smoking. Smoking has been shown to increase your risk of developing cataracts, macular degeneration and optic nerve damage. Plus, smoking is linked to many other health conditions. If you need help with smoking cessation, ask your doctor for help.
  4. Rest your eyes. People are increasingly spending more time each day staring at a screen, whether it’s scrolling through social media on their smart phone, watching TV or working at a desktop monitor or laptop computer. Spending too much time in front of a screen each day can put strain on your eyes, which can lead to dry eye, blurred vision, headaches and neck and back pain. A good way to reduce this eye strain if you can’t avoid screen time is to follow the 20-20-20 rule: Look away from the screen and at something that’s 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
  5. Get regular eye exams. Getting annual eye exams and comprehensive eye exams as indicated will help you keep your eyes in good health and stay on top of any health conditions that may not know you have until you have your eyes tested.

If you’re ready to show your eyes the love they deserve, call 808.955.3937 for an appointment with Dr. Maehara.

Asian senior couple wear brown aprons are holding red cookies cutters in heart shape over their eyes

5 things your eyes say about your health

We’ve all dealt with something about our eyes that have bothered us, whether it be redness and itching or swelling and watery eye.

Read on for some common conditions and when it may be time to seek medical attention for treatment. 

  1. Redness is one of the most common eye problems, and it’s often related allergies. If both of your eyes are red, itchy and watery, allergies may be to blame and artificial tears or antihistamine eye drops can help alleviate symptoms. If these don’t provide relief, see your doctor to explore what else may be causing this problem.
  2. Dry eye is a common eye problem that could be caused by environmental factors, aging, hormonal changes and everyday activities. Some medical conditions and medications can cause it as well. Screen time, reading, watching TV for long periods of time without blinking enough to lubricate the eye can cause dry eye. Artificial tears often help provide comfort and relieve symptoms, but you may need to talk to your doctor if you can’t get relief.
  3. Pink eye or acute conjunctivitis can look like dry eye or another eye condition but it is a contagious eye condition. Your eyes look red and feel itchy and may ooze discharge. It’s often found in people who have cold symptoms or a runny nose. Your doctor can prescribe the best medication to treat pink eye, which should last no more than a week to 10 days.
  4. Eye strain is usually caused by staring at a computer or phone screen all day. It’s important to take regular breaks to give your eyes rest. Follow the 20/20/20 rule by looking at an object at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. Also try artificial tears to help with lubrication and talk to your doctor if you can’t get relief.
  5. Eye twitch is common and usually nothing serious, unless you are experiencing it for a long period of time with other symptoms like other parts of your face twitching. That’s when you should seek medical attention. Otherwise, it’s usually linked to too much caffeine and stress or too little sleep. Start with lifestyle changes first to see if symptoms improve.

If you are concerned about your eye health, call 808.955.3937 for an appointment with Dr. Maehara.

What you can do to reduce computer eye strain

Smartphones and laptops are a way of life today, and it’s hard to go a day without staring at a screen for several hours for your job or leisure time. But all this screen time can lead to computer eye strain and can affect how you see and feel. 


It’s important to recognize the symptoms of computer eye strain. Eye fatigue and blurry or double vision are common symptoms, as are dry, itching, burning or watery eyes. You may also experience light sensitivity, a headache or neck, shoulder and back pain. 


Thankfully, there are several things you can do to reduce or prevent computer eye strain.

  • Limit screen time. It’s difficult to do so nowadays, but if it’s possible, take frequent breaks from your screen throughout the day to give your eyes a break and relieve the discomfort of digital eye strain.
  • Follow what experts call the “20-20-20 rule.” This means that every 20 minutes, you look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds to help give your eyes a break and readjust after screen time. If it helps, put a reminder in your phone calendar to help prompt you to take these little breaks throughout the day. 
  • You may need lubricating eye drops to help restore moisture to your eyes. There are several over-the-counter options, or you can ask your doctor to make a recommendation. 
  • Some people find relief from wearing computer glasses or special glasses that have an anti-reflective coating and are designed for when you work on the computer. 
  • Reduce any glare or reflection, which makes it more difficult to read your computer screen. Using a desk lamp and turning off overhead lights can help. 
  • Position your computer monitor about an arm’s length away from your face, and keep the top of the screen slightly below eye level to reduce computer eye strain. While you’re positioning your monitor, adjust the brightness of your screen to be the same brightness as the room you’re working in. 

To learn more about how to reduce or prevent computer eye strain and improve your eye health, call 808.955.3937 to schedule an appointment.

Protecting your eyes from the sun year-round

So much attention is given to protecting your skin in the sun, but it’s just as important to protect your eyes from the sun. Dangerous ultraviolet radiation from the sun can damage your eyes and delicate skin surrounding them. Read on to learn more about eye health and sun exposure and what you can do to protect your eyes.

Eye conditions related to sun exposure

UV radiation is a cause of several serious eye conditions. At least 10 percent of cataract cases can be attributed to UV exposure, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. Cataracts cloud and yellow the lens of your eye, leading to progressive vision loss and blindness. Macular degeneration is a common cause of vision loss for people over the age of 60. It’s due to cumulative UV damage to the central portion of the retina.

Did you know you can sunburn your eye? UV exposure can cause a corneal sunburn, called keratitis. The cornea is the clear surface that admits light and images to the retina. This condition occurs in skiers and hikers because of how the sun reflects off of water, snow and ice.

Conjunctival eye cancers were once rare but are increasing, especially in older people.

Damage to the eyelids

UVA and UVB rays from the sun and indoor tanning produce DNA changes that can cause premature aging on the skin around your eyes and can lead to skin cancer on the eyelids. Eyelid skin cancer most often occurs on the lower lid because it receives the most sun exposure. Eyelid cancers usually respond well to surgery and post-surgical care when diagnosed and treated early. Left untreated, eyelid cancers can cause tissue damage and blindness.

How to protect your eyes in the sun

There are simple things you can do to protect your eyes and skin every day while also enjoying the outdoors:

  • First and foremost, wear sunglasses that block 99-100 percent of UVA and UVB light. Make sure you wear them anytime you are out in the sun and year-round as sun damage can occur any time of year. Also, be aware that the sun’s harmful rays can pass through clouds, so wear sunglasses even when there’s cloud cover.
  • Wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face and the top of your head.
  • Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher. Select one that is safe and for your face and eyes.
  • Seek shade whenever possible. The sun is most intense between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

If you’re experiencing problems with your eyes, call 808.955.3937 today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Jeffrey Maehara at Maehara Eye Surgery & Laser.

6 simple steps to improve your eye health

It’s essential to be good to your eyes, especially as you age. Even if your eyes feel healthy and you don’t wear glasses or contacts, you need to think about how to maintain and improve your eye health. Here are six simple steps you can take to keep your eyes healthy and stave off age-related vision problems for as long as possible:

Eat a well-balanced diet. Eating well has many health benefits. Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, lutein, zinc and vitamins C and E may help prevent or delay the onset of vision problems such as cataracts or macular degeneration. Green leafy vegetables, oily fish such as salmon and tuna, eggs, nuts, beans and oranges or other citrus fruits are easy ways to get those essential vitamins and nutrients.

Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity can increase your risk for type 2 diabetes, which is a leading cause of cataracts and diabetic retinopathy, which can cause vision loss and blindness in adults.

Watch your blood pressure. High blood pressure can increase your risk of some eye diseases such as hypertensive retinopathy. This is when hypertension causes damage to the blood vessels in the retina of the eye.

Quit smoking. Smoking makes you more prone to getting cataracts and other eye diseases. Talk to your doctor about smoking cessation programs and medications to help you kick the habit.

Wear sunglasses and wide-brimmed hats. Protecting your eyes from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays is an easy way to maintain eye health, as too much UV exposure increases your chances of cataracts and macular degeneration. Sunglasses that block 99-100% of UVA and UVB rays are most helpful. Polarized lenses are designed to reduce glare while you’re driving.

Take a break from your computer and phone. Staring at a computer or phone screen for too long can cause eye strain, blurry vision, dry eyes, trouble focusing at a distance, and more. Be sure you take breaks every 20 minutes to rest your eyes. Look 20 feet away for 20 seconds at a time.

Get an eye exam. Regular eye exams are essential to staying on top of any problems and spotting any diseases and conditions early, when they’re easier to treat. To learn more about improving the health of your eyes, schedule your next exam with Dr. Jeffrey Maehara at Maehara Eye Surgery & Laser today by calling 808.955.3937

How to Be In Touch With Your Vision

One of the best things that you can do for your overall health is to be in touch with your body. What’s considered your normal? What’s considered to be not so normal for you? When you can determine when there’s something wrong, it makes it easier for doctors to run tests and help land you with a diagnosis. After all, nobody is coming to your house and begging you to do a check-up, right? So, it’s all up to you.

Similarly, one of the things that we encourage our patients to do is to be in tune with their vision. But how? Let’s take a closer look.

Notice Changes

Your vision may stay strong for most of your adult life and then suddenly start to fade when you are in your fifties. Stay in tune with any changes that you experience. Are you having a harder time reading things up close, or is it harder to see things from farther away? If you start to notice changes or shifts in your vision, then it’s time to come into our office and get an eye exam.

Notice Abnormalities

In addition to being mindful of changes with your vision, also try to notice any abnormalities such as flashers, floaters, headaches, or anything out of the normal. Often, these things are symptoms of a more significant underlying issue that we will need to examine closely.

Get Regular Eye Exams

Getting regular eye exams is something we also encourage our patients to do. When you know what is going on with your vision, and when you know things like your prescription, it can make life a whole lot easier.

Staying in tune with your health and vision will hopefully help you catch any eye diseases early on so that they can be treated. If you want to learn a little bit more about your vision health, contact us at 808.955.3937.

Eye Care Honolulu Eye Doctor

3 Things to Pack in Your Kid’s Beach Bag This Summer

If you have little kids, then you may be wondering what you will do with them all summer long. Not having kids in school is like a full-time job because now you have to come up with ways to entertain them. Luckily, one easy (and free) thing that you can do is take them to the beach a few times a week. Before you head out though, Dr. Maehara has a few things to pack in your pool bag.

Sunglasses for Everyone

Those little sunglasses for babies, toddlers, and kids aren’t just cute to put on them before you take an Instagram photo, but believe it or not, they actually serve a purpose. Make sure that your kids wear some sunglasses with UVA and UVB protection whenever you are outside; especially when you’re at the beach or pool because the water is reflective which can cause some serious eye damage.

Sun Hats

If you can’t get your little ones to wear sunglasses or keep them on, then try a sun hat instead. Sun hats (as long as they are large enough) are great because they will shield your eyes from the sun from all angles. If you feel like being daring, then consider bribing your kids to wear both their sunglasses and their sun hats at the same time.


If your kids like to swim in the water and get their head under, don’t send them in unless they have goggles. Both chlorine and salt water can dry out their eyes out and cause some damage. Plus, ocean water and pool water are notorious for being dirty. With things like sand, bugs, and dirt floating around, it’s the last thing that you want to expose your eyes to.

Make sure that you pack these three things with you in your bag before you go to the beach this summer. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, contact us at our Honolulu office at 808.955.3937.

Honolulu Eye Doctor

Why You Should Get Your Eyes Checked on a Regular Basis

Taking good care of your vision involves more than just wearing sunglasses outside. In fact, here at our office, Dr. Jeffrey Maehara likes to see most of his patients every two years for regular eye exams. But, why is it important to get your eyes checked so frequently? Let’s take a closer look and see.

  • A Change In Prescription

Your glasses and contact lens prescription can change pretty significantly over a two-year period which can leave you seeing things pretty blurry,  even with your lenses on or in. However, by having your eyes examined every couple of years, we can help you stay up to date on your prescription so that you don’t spend another day with blurry vision.

  • Change In Health

Your eyes are your opening into the world— okay, that was a bit cheesy, but you get the gist. During your eye exam, we will take a closer look at your eyes to also check for any other health issues. For instance, the health of your blood vessels inside of your retina are indicative of the health of the blood vessels throughout your body, so if we see a change in those blood vessels, we may order some other tests for you.

  • 3. Check for Eye Disease

Another thing that Dr. Maehara will check your eyes for is eye diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. The good thing about all of these eye diseases is that typically when they are caught early on, they can be easily treated.

Are you ready to schedule your next eye exam? If so, contact our Honolulu office today and call us at 808.955.3937.