Pretty smiling woman with clean skin in white fluffy sweater

Are Restalyne® Treatments Painful?

The effects of aging can be on many areas of our face. From brow lines and crow’s feet to frown lines around your mouth, creases and wrinkles can continue to grow or deepen, despite a dedicated rigorous at-home skincare routine.

When your regular cosmetic routine is not enough to lessen the appearance of these lines and wrinkles, dermal injectables are a safe and effective way to achieve the look you want.

For mild to moderate lines and creases around the lower portion of your face, Restalyne® is an FDA-approved and proven way to reduce their appearance safely and effectively. Using hyaluronic acid (HA), a molecule produced by and found in your body, the Restalyne® injections fill in lost volume by pulling in nearby water molecules.

Since your body already produces HA naturally, there is minimal risk of severe or adverse reactions. The Restalyne® treatments just boost the normal production of HA that decreases over time. Although the results from Restalyne® are temporary, the treatments are safe enough to be repeated to maintain the desired youthful look you want.

Restalyne® treatments are performed in the office and often take less than 30 minutes. Best of all, the FDA recently approved Restalyne®-L. This new formulation takes all of the proven results and aesthetic benefits from Restalyne® and adds lidocaine to the injection to help alleviate any minor discomfort that might occur with the treatments.

Although many dermal fillers and injectables available today can be used in many areas of the face, it is important to choose a doctor or aesthetician with the experience needed to know which will best address your specific concern. Restalyne®-L is a great option to treat lines and creases on the lower areas of the face nearly painlessly.

The team at Maehara Eye Surgery and Laser in Honolulu, HI, has the experience necessary to create the perfect aesthetic treatment plan to meet all of your goals. Whether you are interested in Restalyne®-L or other aesthetic treatment methods, call the office at 808-955-3937 or visit to get started with a comprehensive consultation today.

How Glaucoma Affects Your Vision

Your vision can be affected by any number of environmental or internal factors. Since your eyes are so delicate, it is essential to protect them as much as possible to help prevent vision issues to even a loss of your vision. Unfortunately, the causes of many eye conditions that can lead to severe vision issues are largely unknown.

Glaucoma is one such disease of the eye that, while a specific cause is unknown, can lead to serious vision issues and, if left untreated, complete vision loss. Glaucoma refers to a build-up of pressure in the eye that compresses the optic nerve. Over time, this can lead to permanent vision loss.

The most common cause of glaucoma is a water or fluid build-up that becomes trapped between the iris and the cornea. This occurs when the drainage canals become blocked, or the fluid in the eye is a different consistency or make-up than normal.

As more and more fluid fills this area, pressure begins to increase at the back of the eye, near the retina, and compresses the optic nerve. Although rare, glaucoma can also occur in patients with normal eye pressure.

Depending on the type of glaucoma, your ophthalmologist may prescribe specific medication to reduce the pressure in the eye that comes in either tablet form or eye drops. If there is a build-up of fluid in the area between the iris and cornea, laser or surgery or another procedure may be required to drain the fluid and reduce the pressure.

Although glaucoma is primarily considered a hereditary disease, there are several steps you can take to reduce the chances of it occurring and lessen the symptoms and risk of vision loss. Maintaining a healthy nutrition plan and regular exercise can help keep the fluid in the eye at a consistency where it can flow easily and reduce the chance of blockages in the drainage canals.

There is no reason to wait to contact an experienced ophthalmologist if you have any eye issues or sudden changes in your vision. Early treatment can make a difference in preserving your eyesight. Call Maehara Eye Surgery and Laser in Honolulu, HI, at 808-955-3937 or visit to schedule a consultation today.

Cataracts Do Not Have To Permanently Rob Your Vision

The thought of permanently losing your vision can be tough to imagine. As important as our eyes are, they are very susceptible to damage or other issues related to medical conditions. Although many of these can cause a decrease in visual acuity and clearness, some treatments and procedures may be able to restore your vision, depending on the condition being treated.

One of the most common conditions of the eyes that causes vision issues is the formation of cataracts. Cataracts are the buildup of proteins on the corneal lens of the eye. In 2020, it was estimated that over 30 million people suffered from cataracts in one or both of their eyes.

Over time, this buildup can grow larger and interfere with your vision. Although cataracts are well established when they start to show symptoms, they will first appear as cloudiness or haziness. Eventually, they will begin to distort the images in your vision and, if left untreated, can lead to permanent blindness in the affected eye(s),

There is no “cure” for cataracts. But thankfully, there is a surgical procedure to remove and replace the damaged lens and restore your vision. In a procedure performed in the office setting that takes less than 30 minutes, Dr. Jeffrey Maehara or Dr. Dennis Maehara will make a small incision and replace the damaged lens with a clear, artificial interocular lens.

Most patients report almost no discomfort during the procedure. An eye pad or protective shield is usually worn for the first few days after the surgery. Complete healing and recovery will usually happen within two months. Although there may be some itchiness and discomfort during this time, they are generally very mild and can be ignored.

If caught early enough, vision issues caused by cataracts are treatable. However, since permanent damage and blindness can occur if the symptoms are ignored, contact Maehara Eye Surgery and Laser in Honolulu, HI, if you have any vision issues. A consultation can be scheduled by calling 808-955-3937 or visiting

How Radiesse Can Add Volume and Smooth Lines and Wrinkles

As we age, our body begins to slow its production of collagen and hyaluronic acid that helps keep even volume in our skin. Along with the decrease in the elasticity and how often it is used for talking or showing emotion, the skin around our faces and especially mouths can begin to look dull and sag,

There are several dermal injections available on the market that help replace the lost collagen and hyaluronic acid in targeted areas. Since these essentially supplement the natural production of those molecules, they are great for smoothing fine lines and wrinkles. However, for moderate to severe folds, creases, and wrinkles, Radiesse is an FDA-approved dermal injectable that can help you regain that youthful and toned look on your face.

Radiesse works very similarly to other dermal injectables on the market. However, it does not merely replace lost collagen or add volume by using a hyaluronic acid that absorbs nearby water molecules. Radiesse is a special formula of calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHA) suspended in a gel.

Once injected, the body breaks down the suspension gel, allowing the CaHA to help stimulate and promote the natural growth of collagen in the targeted areas. This new collagen helps to smooth moderate to severe lines and wrinkles on the face and is a great option to use around the mouth and nose.

Radiesse is also approved by the FDA to be mixed with lidocaine. Although the injections are small and relatively painless, the lidocaine further eases any pain that might occur during the sessions.

Results are nearly immediate, and there is no recovery after each treatment session. The results for most patients last between 6 months and a year after the treatment course of 2 sessions. Although the results last a long time, they are temporary, and touch-up treatments may be required to meet your aesthetic goals.

If you have moderate to severe wrinkles, creases, or folds around your mouth and nose, contact the expert staff at Maehara Eye Surgery and Laser in Honolulu, HI, to see if Radiesse is right for you. The office can be reached at 808-955-3937 or

How Restylane Can Smooth Lip Wrinkles

As a non-surgical procedure that can give you the fuller and more voluptuous lips you want with almost no recovery needed, lip fillers are a great solution. Using the state-of-the-art injectable hyaluronic acid (HA) Restylane, you can smooth wrinkles around your mouth and increase lip volume.

Restylane, as well as Juvederm can be used as lip enhancement to treat several potentially unflattering lip shapes, including thin or small lips, uneven lip shapes, a flat cupid’s bow, etc. During your consultation, the doctor will work with you to create a plan based on your wishes. The improvement can be small or minor refinements or a more robust treatment plan to perfect your mouth shape.

With either product, the HA, which is also naturally found in your body, binds with nearby water molecules to add volume and hydration to your lips. This creates a smooth and natural-looking enhancement to flat or thin lips.

Not only are these proven safe and effective, they are also FDA-approved fillers for lip augmentation. Both fillers can also be incorporated into a more comprehensive facial treatment for a complete cosmetic plan to give you the look you want. Since there is nearly no recovery period needed, you can enjoy the results almost immediately, with little inconvenience.

At Maehara Eye Surgery and Laser, we know that not every patient is the same in their expectations and recovery. Regardless of the procedure, the expert staff will combine state-of-the-art technology and years of experience to provide you with the best care possible while meeting your expectations.

The doctors at Maehara Eye Surgery and Laser know that no two procedures are the same, even of the same type. Your doctor will use their artful eye to guide precise surgical operations to meet your specific aesthetic goals. You will receive warm and compassionate care from the entire team, as well as a board-certified doctor who understands the importance of creating results that are both elegant and natural-looking.

Call Maehara Eye Surgery and Laser in Honolulu, HI at 808-955-3937, or visit to schedule a consultation, today.

portrait of beautiful joyful blonde female smiling with fingers in okay gesture.

Correct Your Vision With Lasik

Light and lenses in your eyes must work perfectly together for you to see properly. The cornea and lens allow light to travel through and land on the retina. This refraction of light is what ideally formulates good eyesight.

However, refractive errors might limit or prevent light from bending properly. This might lead to blurry visions, which might affect your overall eyesight. In this case, you can use LASIK surgery to correct these errors and reduce your dependence on eyeglasses or contact lenses.

The Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, simply known as LASIK, is a common surgery that’s designed to improve your vision by ‘tweaking’ the cornea to correct conditions, including farsightedness (hyperopia), near-sightedness (myopia), and astigmatism. Patients of different ages and backgrounds experience vision issues as a result of abnormalities in the cornea.

The main aim of this surgery is to correct the shape of your cornea to allow the retina to focus on images better. This is achieved through special lasers. After testing your eyes, a doctor performing this procedure will apply numbing eye drops in both your eyes. The surgeon will also use eye holders to keep your eyes from blinking.

A suction ring will also be used to keep your eye from moving. The doctor will then use a special laser (microkeratome) to flap the cornea tissue. You’ll then be asked to stare at a target light to prevent eye movement. The doctor will then reshape your cornea using a laser programmed with your eye measurements.

There are a couple of risks associated with LASIK. There is a risk of other complications such as halos and night glare, infection risk, and worsening vision. For such reasons, it would be in your best interest to talk to professionals with experience handling such procedures.

At Maehara Eye Surgery and Laser, we are happy to go over all the risks during your LASIK consultation at our offices in Honolulu. Dr. Jeffrey Maehara, an experienced ophthalmologist with practices in preventive and integrative medicine, will go over what you need to know for this procedure. Give us a call at 808-955-3937 or click for more information about correcting your vision with LASIK.

Beautiful senior with hand over ear listening

How To Know When You Need Cataracts

Our eyes go through a lot of change as we age. Usually, vision issues begin to creep up as people grow older. One of the most common vision issues that are most associated with aging is cataracts. Despite being so common, with an estimated 30 million people having cataracts, there is no cure or a way to stop or reverse its progression.

However, several risk factors can be managed to at least help reduce the likelihood of cataracts in the future. These include maintaining a healthy weight, avoiding excessive sun exposure, as well as avoiding excessive alcohol use and smoking. Although genetics and heredity play a major role in the likelihood of cataracts, minimizing the additional risk factors may help.

Though cataracts are inside the eye they are somewhat noticeable from the outside when they begin to grow. A cataract is an area in the lens of the eye where proteins have started to clump up and solidify. To the outside, this looks like a dense and cloudy area in the lens. Over time, this build-up of protein continues and will start affecting vision in the affected eye.

Some symptoms to watch for include blurring vision, troubles with night vision, fading of color, and sensitivity to glares. Since cataracts are painless yet can cause a progressive loss of vision, including blindness, it is important to see your ophthalmologist if you believe you have symptoms that might indicate a cataract.

Although there is no cure for cataracts, your vision can be restored if they are caught soon enough. Cataract surgery has one of the highest success rates of any surgical procedure, with a success rate of over 99%. Best of all, the procedure is painless, takes less than 30 minutes, and requires very little recovery time.

If you have vision symptoms that are beginning to affect your way of life, contact Maehara Eye Surgery and Laser in Honolulu, HI, at 808-955-3937, or visit to schedule a consultation, today. The expert team of doctors will work with you to provide the best solution to give you a perfect vision again.

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How Laser Eye Surgery Works: Who Is A Suitable Candidate?

Laser eye surgery is a surgical procedure that uses a laser to change the shape of the cornea. It is used to improve myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, and presbyopia. First performed in 1987, the surgery has become increasingly popular. Today, it is the most widely performed refractive surgery in the world. As laser eye surgery becomes more popular, many people are interested in learning about it. Here are the basics of laser eye surgery.

Laser eye surgery overview 

Laser eye surgery is a type of refractive surgery used to change the shape of the cornea. It is carried out to change the shape of the cornea. It helps to focus light on the retina, which is located at the back of the eye.

A laser is used to remove a small amount of corneal tissue. This changes the shape of the cornea and allows light to be focused more accurately on the retina. There are several types of laser eye surgery, but they all work in basically the same way.

Who is a good candidate for laser eye surgery?

Lasik surgery is a corrective eye surgery procedure used to treat nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. It is one of the most common surgeries in the United States with over 1 million procedures done each year.

There is no doubt that laser surgery is a safe and effective choice for most people. However, some factors can make someone a less suitable candidate for Lasik surgery. These include: having a very thin cornea, being pregnant or breastfeeding, having diabetes or other autoimmune diseases, and being under 18 years old.

What are the benefits of laser eye surgery?

Laser eye surgery has become a popular option for people who want to improve their vision. Among the benefits of laser eye surgery are:

• improved vision

• less need for glasses or contact lenses

• no more worries about losing or breaking glasses or contact lenses

• improved self-confidence

• improved appearance

Laser eye surgery is a procedure that is crucial to understand who is a suitable candidate. This article provided an overview of the laser eye surgery procedure and who is eligible to undergo it. You can also contact our eye doctor and ophthalmologist clinic in Honolulu, Hawaii, at 808-955-3937 for more information.

Is it possible to prevent cataracts?

It’s estimated that more than half of all Americans age 80 or older have cataracts or have had surgery to get rid of them. As a common cause of age-related vision loss, it’s important to know what cataracts are and what you can do to slow down the progression of this condition.

Here is what you need to know about cataracts.

  • Cataracts are a clouding of the clear lens of the eye, much like looking through a fogged-up window. This makes it difficult to read and drive a car, especially at night.
  • Patients who have cataracts not only complain of clouded vision, but also may have sensitivity to light, have a need for brighter light to read, see halos around lights, have double vision in one eye, and may have frequent changes in their prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses.
  • Cataracts develop slowly and over time will interfere with vision. When this impaired vision interferes with your daily activities, you may be a candidate for cataract surgery.
  • Regular eye exams will help you and your eye doctor stay on top of any changes to your vision and detect cataracts early on to help prolong the onset of symptoms and progression of the condition. If you experience sudden vision changes, including eye pain or headache, double vision or flashes of light, see your doctor right away.
  • Cataracts develop from injury, aging or even genetic disorders. Medical conditions such as diabetes or prolonged use of corticosteroid medications can lead to cataracts.
  • Risk factors for developing cataracts include aging, diabetes, smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, eye injury or inflammation, previous eye surgery, excess alcohol consumption and excessive exposure to sunlight.
  • While you may not be able to prevent cataracts, there are some things you can do that may help slow down the progression such as quitting smoking, reducing alcohol consumption and following a healthy lifestyle with exercise and consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables. Also wear sunglasses that block the sun’s harmful ultraviolet B rays.

Regular eye exams are important to stay on top of any changes to your eye health. Call 808.955.3937 for an appointment with Dr. Maehara.

beauty woman clean skin and hairstyle brunette

How does Radiesse work to remove lines and wrinkles?

Cosmetic injectables are increasingly popular ways to turn back the hands of time on your face. Botox is a household name for smoothing out lines and wrinkles in the upper third of the face, but doesn’t correct all lines and wrinkles. That’s where dermal fillers come into play. One of the most popular fillers is called Radiesse.

Read on to learn what makes it a great option to help you achieve a more youthful appearance.

  • Radiesse is an FDA-approved injectable filler for reducing moderate-to-severe wrinkles, folds and creases around the nose and mouth. Is specifically improves the appearance of nasolabial folds, which run from the corners of the nose to the corners of the mouth, marionette lines, which run downward from the corners of the mouth, downturned corners of the mouth, jowl pre-sagging and chin wrinkles.
  • Radiesses is composed of microspheres in a water-based gel that are made of calcium hydroxylapatite. This substance stimulates the production of collagen and, when injected into lines and wrinkles, smoothes out the lines and wrinkles and adds volume to the skin to give you a more youthful appearance.
  • If you are between the ages of 35 and 60 and have developed folds and wrinkles around your mouth and nose, you may be an ideal candidate for Radiesse treatments. If you have experienced fat loss in your face due to HIV infection, Radiesse may work for you as well.
  • One of the reasons why cosmetic injectables like Radiesse are so popular is the fact that you can get treatment in about 15-30 minutes, with no required downtime. Most patients return to their normal activities right after treatment.
  • The results from Radiesse treatment are immediate and can last up to 1-2 years. As it works, it also stimulates the collagen production beneath the skin. Since results are temporary, you will want to return for touch-up treatments to prolong the effects of the filler.

If you’d like to learn whether Radiesse or other cosmetic injectables are right for you, call 808.955.3937 for an appointment with Dr. Maehara.