Honolulu Eye Doctor

Why You Should Get Your Eyes Checked on a Regular Basis

Taking good care of your vision involves more than just wearing sunglasses outside. In fact, here at our office, Dr. Jeffrey Maehara likes to see most of his patients every two years for regular eye exams. But, why is it important to get your eyes checked so frequently? Let’s take a closer look and see.

  • A Change In Prescription

Your glasses and contact lens prescription can change pretty significantly over a two-year period which can leave you seeing things pretty blurry,  even with your lenses on or in. However, by having your eyes examined every couple of years, we can help you stay up to date on your prescription so that you don’t spend another day with blurry vision.

  • Change In Health

Your eyes are your opening into the world— okay, that was a bit cheesy, but you get the gist. During your eye exam, we will take a closer look at your eyes to also check for any other health issues. For instance, the health of your blood vessels inside of your retina are indicative of the health of the blood vessels throughout your body, so if we see a change in those blood vessels, we may order some other tests for you.

  • 3. Check for Eye Disease

Another thing that Dr. Maehara will check your eyes for is eye diseases like glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. The good thing about all of these eye diseases is that typically when they are caught early on, they can be easily treated.

Are you ready to schedule your next eye exam? If so, contact our Honolulu office today and call us at 808.955.3937.

DSAEK Transplant Honolulu, HI

The Basics of DSAEK

In this day and age, it can seem like everything that we say can be said in an acronym. Although you may “LOL” your way through life and think, “OMG” what other acronyms do I need, Dr. Maehara has one that may actually help improve your vision: DSAEK.

What’s DSAEK?

It used to be that the only way for someone to replace their cornea was with healthy donor tissue which was a long drawn out process. Luckily, times have changed and there’s a new kid in town: DSAEK.

DSAEK or descemet-stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty is the latest corneal transplantation technique that Dr. Meahara offers. The great thing about DSAEK is that it gives patients clear postoperative vision and a shorter recovery time than other corneal transplant options in the past.

Why a Corneal Transplant?

You don’t want to get a corneal transplant unless you need done, right? For you to see properly, your cornea needs to be clean and it also needs to be the right shape. Sometimes, when your cornea becomes cloudy or misshapen, it can make it a lot more difficult for you to see properly. When this happens, we may recommend a cornea transplant to help restore your vision or repair the overall integrity of the eye.


Dr. Maehara recommends using he DSAEK rather than getting a full cornea replacement because of the following:

  • The eye surface is kept intact which keeps the cornea stronger and more resistant to injury or infection.
  • There is minimal change in refraction and visual acuity because only the endothelial layer is replaced, rather than the entire cornea.
  • Problems with sutures are significantly reduced or eliminated.
  • Recovery is significantly faster Fewer risk factors are involved.

If you want to learn more about this or if you think you need a corneal transplant, contact our Honolulu office and call us at 808.955.3937.

Heading to the Beach for Spring Break? 3 Accessories to Bring with You

If you are heading to the beach for spring break, then make sure that you not only do it in style but that you keep your vision safe as well. With the sun reflecting off of the water and the beach, if you don’t show up protected, you’re bound to get some serious sun damage or even permanent vision damage. So, how can you show up to the beach prepared? Let’s take a closer look and see.


If you’re going to invest in one accessory to bring with you to the beach this year, make it a good pair of sunglasses. Sunglasses are going to be your eyes biggest defense against the sun’s harsh and potentially harmful rays. When you’re shopping for a pair of sunglasses, make sure that they offer both UVA and UVB protection; that way you know that you are protected all around.

A Large Brimmed Hat

Bringing any hat is a good idea when you are heading to the beach because it will add an extra layer of protection to shield your eyes from the sun. However, if you can, try to find a large brimmed hat because it won’t just cover the front of your face and shield your eyes, but it will protect your neck and chest from sun damage as well.

A Good Book

Nothing will help you relax quite like grabbing a good book to bring with you to the beach. Whether you prefer to have an actual book in your hands or you’d rather use an e-reader, just make sure that you keep your sunglasses on while you are reading; that way you know that you won’t get a glare.

Make sure that you head to the beach this spring break while you keep your eyes protected. To learn more, contact our office at 808.955.3937

Fillers | Honolulu HI

How to Feel Sexier About Your Lips On Valentine’s Day

Whether you are dating someone new or if you are planning on spending your Valentine’s day with your spouse that you’ve been with for longer than you can remember, it’s important to try to spice things up every once in a while. Here at Dr. Jeffrey Maehara’s office we not only specialize in vision but in injectables and fillers as well. So, if you’ve been wanting to add more volume to your lips, make Valentines the occasion that you do so.

What Are Fillers?

Here at our office, we offer patients a wide range of injectable including botox and fillers. Botox and fillers are often mistaken for each other but they actually work quite differently. Botox is a neurotoxin that is used to relax the muscles on the forehead and around the eyes which, in turn, softens them and gives patients a more youthful appearance. Whereas fillers work by temporarily filling in fine lines and wrinkles across the face. Not only do fillers help with anti aging but some fillers can also be used to add volume to the lips as well.

By making strategic injections in the lips and around mouth, Dr. Maehara will help you get that sexier pout that you’ve been wanting so that you can give your Valentine a kiss that they will remember for the rest of the year.

What’s Recovery Like?

Recovery from lip fillers varies from patient to patient. Some patients won’t experience much swelling or bruising where as other patients may experience a lot of both. Even though results are almost immediate, many patients do have some swelling that will take a few days to die down. Try to plan accordingly for this swelling so that you can go into your Valentine’s’ Day dinner feeling as confident as ever in your new, sexy pout.

Are you ready to take the next steps to learn more about lip fillers? If so, contact us at our office today and call us at 808.955.3937.

ete services Honolulu, HI

3 Easy Resolutions to Make in 2019 For Better Vision

With the eggnog gone and the Christmas tree in the dumpster, it’s now time to take a look at the fresh year we have ahead of us and make some resolutions that are worth keeping. Even though you may have some lofty resolutions to lose some weight and eat better, here at Dr. Maehara’s office we have created a few easy resolutions that will actually help you see better this year.

Wash Your Face Every Night

This may sound like a really easy goal but you’d be surprised by how many people actually go to bed with eye makeup still on. Even though you may think that eye makeup is fine to sleep in, it can actually lead to a bacterial infection. By washing your eye makeup off every night with a gentle cleanser or remover, you can cut down on the chances of you getting some sort of bacterial or viral eye infection.

Use Clean Contact Lens Solution

Did you know that your contact lens case may be filled with bacteria and dirt? To avoid getting an eye infection, make sure that you fill your contact lens case with clean solution every night before you go to bed.

As an extra tip, make sure to rinse out your case with some hot water before you put some contact lens solution back in it

Get Regular Eye Exams

Did you know that you should be getting your eyes examined every year? If you can’t remember the last time that you had an eye exam, then make sure that you contact our office today and schedule your next appointment.

It can be hard to get into the habit of good habits; especially when it involves your vision. If you want to learn a little bit more about how you can see better in 2019, contact our office today and call us at 808.955.3937.

Corneal Transplant Honolulu, HI

Are You Seeing Stars Around Your Christmas Lights? What That Could Mean About Your Vision

Christmas lights are one of the things that really set the entire Christmas mood or holiday spirit. Whether you are religious or not, driving down a street filled with houses adorned in Christmas lights can make you feel some sort of magic. One problem that we see in patients during this time of year is a complaint about seeing starbursts around Christmas lights. If you have started to notice that you see starbursts when you look at Christmas lights, then it may be time to come in for an eye examination. Typically, starbursts mean that you either need to change your prescription or that you have glaucoma or cataracts.

Your Prescription

If you wear the wrong prescription of contacts or glasses, you may see starbursts not just   Christmas lights but around stop lights as well when you are driving at night. By making a few minor adjustments and getting you a stronger precision, however, we can usually help you see a lot better.


Glaucoma is an eye disease that causes intraocular pressure which can lead to blindness if it’s left untreated. In its early stages, glaucoma in things like seeing starbursts around Christmas lights. When you schedule your appointment with Dr. Maehara, he will check you for glaucoma.


Cataracts are another eye condition that cause starbursts. Even though the biggest symptoms of cataracts are a clouding of the vision, it usually starts out smaller with things like seeing starbursts around lights.

If you notice that your vision seems a bit off, don’t hesitate to give our office a call. To schedule your next eye exam, contact our Honolulu office at 808.955.3937.

Eye Care Services Honolulu, HI

How to Make Your Thanksgiving Meal Count Toward Good Vision

If a few days off, the thought of watching too much football, and the idea of loading your plate up with more food than you can imagine have you excited for the Thanksgiving holiday, then you are certainly not alone. Here at Jeffrey Maehara’s office, we are right there with you. To make sure that your Thanksgiving feast isn’t just adding calories to your waistline, but that it’s also giving you health benefits as well, we have created a list of foods that can help with your vision.

Sweet Potatoes

Whether you prefer your sweet potatoes steamed or in a casserole, it’s good to know that they are packed with more vitamins and minerals than you may know what to do with. One of the most important vitamins that are in sweet potatoes is Vitamin A which helps to prevent against macular degeneration and age related issues in the cornea and retina.


That lean meat isn’t just good for your lean protein intake, but it’s also full of zinc which is great at reducing advanced age-related macular degeneration and reducing the progression and development of cataracts.


Cranberries don’t just make a great vase filler to add to your centerpiece but they are also a fruit that contains Vitamins A and C which help prevent macular degeneration, cataracts, and other age related issues that may lead to vision loss.

We aren’t guaranteeing that you will see any clearer after Thanksgiving, but it’s still good to know that at least some of the food you are eating can help reduce vision problems. If you want to learn more vision care tips, schedule an appointment with Dr. Maehara at our Honolulu office. Call Us Today: 808.955.3937.

Eye Treatment Honolulu, HI

Frequently Asked Questions About Cannabis and Your Vision

It used to be that the only reason to smoke marijuana was for recreation and the only way to obtain it was illegally. Nowadays, there are hundreds of uses for cannabis to help patients find relief from pain, nausea, discomfort, and other medical issues. Here at Jeffrey Maehara’s office, we provide consultations for the evaluation of the state 329 medical marijuana license card which is necessary for the legal use and possession of marijuana products in Hawaii. Here at our office, we specifically see patients who suffer from glaucoma. Let’s take some closer look at the answers to some frequently asked questions about cannabis for eye conditions.

What are the benefits of cannabis for eye conditions?

Glaucoma is caused by a lot of eye pressure on the eyes. When patients use medical cannabis, it helps to lower the eye pressure for patients with glaucoma. Additionally, medical marijuana can also be used to help treat patients who suffer from eye conditions that cause nausea or chronic pain.

How long will the cannabis evaluation take?

On average, this evaluation will only last about 15-20 minutes.

Can I use my medical card in other states?

The Hawaii 329 card is recognized only in Hawaii. Likewise, no other licenses or cards are recognized in Hawaii.

Can you help me acquire marijuana?

You can purchase your marijuana with your active 329 card at any medical marijuana dispensary in Hawaii or the Honolulu area.

Do I need to renew my evaluation?

Yes, the law requires that patients have their 329 card renewed every year. Remember that you must have an active 329 card in order to legally use and possess any form of marijuana in Hawaii.

If you want to learn more about medical marijuana to treat eye conditions like glaucoma, schedule an eye appointment at our Honolulu office and call us at 808.955.3937.

Corneal Transplant Honolulu, HI

Have a Scratched Cornea? What To Do

Yes, you may know how to scratch a few records for a large crowd (or at least you did in the 80’s) but do you know what to do if you have a scratched cornea? A scratched cornea can happen to anyone at almost anytime. Even though your eyelashes are designed to help protect your cornea from such disasters, accidents happen. If you are experiencing tenderness, redness, excessive tearing, and the sensation like something is stuck in your eye, then you may have a scratched cornea. But how can you treat it?

Flush It

First things first, you want to flush your eye out.  If there’s something still in your eye that you get it out before it causes more damage. To flush your eye out either grab an eye cup or a clean drinking cup. Then, fill it up to the top with either a saline solution or water. Gently lean over the cup and place your eye into the solution and blink; this will allow the water to enter your eye and get anything out of it. Repeat as necessary until you find some relief.

Don’t Put Anything In It

You may be tempted to rub your eye with your finger or put your contact lenses back in but make sure that you don’t touch your eyes or put anything in them until your eye has healed; this will just make the situation worse.

Schedule an Eye Appointment

If you think that you’ve scratched your cornea, then come into our office to see Dr. Jeffrey Maehara. During your eye exam, he will be able to determine if your cornea is scratched and if it is, just how to treat it. Depending on how severe the scratch is, Dr. Maehara may recommend something as small as letting it heal on its own to something as serious as steroid injections.

If you think you have a scratched cornea, make sure that you follow these tips in this article. To learn more about your vision health and how to take better care of your eyes, schedule a consultation at our Honolulu or Waipahu office today at 808.955.3937.

Eye Treatment Honolulu, HI

Are Dry Eyes Making Your Vision Worse?

If you have a prescription to wear contact lenses but never wear them because they are irritating, fall out, and make your eyes red, then the issue may not be with your contacts but rather with your eyes themselves. Dry eye is a very common condition that can cause excessive tearing, dry, itchy, red eyes. And, it can also make it feel impossible to wear contacts all day long. To help lubricate and moisturize your eyes, we have a few suggestions for you.

Schedule an Eye  Exam

First things first, schedule an eye exam with Dr. Jeffrey Maehara to make sure that you do in fact have dry eye, and that your symptoms aren’t indicative of another eye condition. During your eye exam, Dr. Maehara will also be able to give you some helpful tips to use at home or may recommend some prescription eye drops.

Use Gel Drops Every Night

You can use gel drops both morning and night, but if you are a contact lens wearer, try wearing them at night to help coat your eyes and lubricate them while you sleep; that way when you wake up they will feel moisturized, and your contacts will hopefully stay in better.

Use Drops throughout the Day

Another thing you can do to make sure that your eyes stay lubricated and that your contacts stay in is to use gel drops or liquid tears throughout the day; this extra layer of protection is a great way to make sure that you stay as comfortable as possible.

Take Your Lenses out At Night

If you have dry eye, one of the worst things you can do is sleep with your contact lenses in because they will dry your eyes out even more. Make sure that no matter how tired you are that you go to the bathroom and take them out.

Having dry eyes can be a real pain in the you-know-what but dry eyes and contact lenses, are that much more uncomfortable. To learn more about dry eyes and how to combat them, schedule an eye exam with Dr. Jeffrey Maehara at our Honolulu or Waipahu office today and call us at 808.955.3937.